
At Frico, we are proud to be able to offer energyefficient products for a better indoor climate. We are happy to share our knowledge and valuble experience within heating and energy efficiency.

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Air Curtains

Reduce Energy Losses by up to 80 Percent with Frico Air Curtains

In the pursuit of energy efficiency and sustainability, companies are constantly looking for solutions to reduce energy use. An air curtain creates an air barrier between cold and hot, protecting heated or air-conditioned areas in buildings and cool rooms.

Guide - Air Curtains

What Is an Air Curtain?

The invisible door that separates climate zones and saves energy

Mountain ranges tend to obstruct rain clouds, resulting in one side of the mountain being cold and damp, and the other side being hot and dry. Like mountains, air curtains also separate different climate zones. The air stream creates an invisible door that prevents the air from different areas to blend, an energy efficient solution regardless of whether you want to maintain a heated or cooled indoor climate.

Air Curtains

Energy Efficient Supermarkets in Thailand

A large retail chain, with more than 2000 stores in Thailand, has launched an energy-saving program for their entire organization. Frico air curtains are part of the concept and will protect air-conditioned premises and cold rooms.

Air Curtains

AMCA Proves That Air Curtains Provide the Best Possible Protection in Entrances

Three times more effective against the infiltration of outside air, and far more energy efficient than vestibules. This was the result when air curtains were tested by the world's leading authority on air movement and system equipment for air.

Air Curtains

A Lot to Save with Air Curtains in Cold Rooms

Many things in our modern society are dependent on cold storage. Food and medicine are some examples. Thick insulated walls and doors are needed to keep the cold in place. But to transport goods in and out, doors need to be opened and closed.

Air Curtains

Frico Leads the Way in Making Air Curtain Comparisons Easier and More Accurate

Which is the most quiet air curtain? How big an entrance will the air curtain cover? For customers to make accurate comparisons, all manufacturers need to measure in the same way.

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Air Curtains

Frico Air Curtains Are Highly Efficient Even When Running at a Lower Operating Cost

A CFD-analysis (Computational Fluid Dynamics) conducted by Mechartés has concluded that installing an air curtain from Frico would significantly reduce the exchange of air-conditioned air from the inside and hot air from the outside. The results show great energy and economic savings as well as an improved indoor climate.

Industrial Air Curtains

Do You Need an Air Curtain for Large Industrial Doorways That Provides 100 % Protection against Cold Draughts?

If you’re one of those interested in an air curtain with a size of approximately 6 metres height and 12 metres width - hear us out! Air curtain UF600 creates a very effective air barrier for large industrial doorways.

Air Curtains

Air Curtains Are Now Included as an Energy-Saving Alternative in American Building Code

Extensive investigation published by AMCA gave results. Now air curtains are an approved alternative to building vestibules in American building code IECC 2015.

Air Curtains

Frico Initiator of a New Air Curtain Group at Eurovent

Eurovent is the European Committee for manufacturers of HVAC and representatives of major European national associations in the industry of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling.

Air Curtains

Frico Receives Grant for Researching a New Measurement Standard for Air Curtains

An application from Frico has been granted support from Vinnova (Swedish governmental agency for innovation systems) for a research project aiming for a proposal on a new measurement standard for air curtains.

Air Curtains

Air Curtains - the Smart Way to Stay Cool!

Air conditioning consumes more energy than heating and demand for cooling, and particularly air conditioning, is growing exponentially.

Guide - Air Curtains

What You Need to Know before Buying an Air Curtain

Air curtains create an air barrier between hot and cold, both to prevent cold outdoor air from entering, while the heated air is kept inside, and to protect air conditioned premises and refrigerated rooms. A correctly installed air curtain reduces draughts, creates a comfortable indoor environment and reduces energy losses at doors and doorways.

Fan Heaters

1000 fan heaters produced at record speed - sent to Turkey with Better Shelter

Frico AB has redirected production in order to deliver 1,000 fan heaters to emergency shelters after the earthquake in Turkey in collaboration with Better Shelter.